Algemene Voorwaarden


1.1 Stichting wedowe is a not-for-profit organization that is active - online as well as offline - in
the field of organizing social events and encouraging individuals to improve the world
around us. Stichting wedowe is registered as a foundation with the Chamber of Commerce
under number 66288843, with its statutory seat in Eindhoven.

1.2 The main goal of Stichting wedowe is to enable as many people as possible to take action
and make positive changes in their community and the world around us. The foundation
focuses primarily on community involvement, sustainability, the conservation of arts and
culture and social development.

1.3 Stichting wedowe organizes their own social events, i.e. an Intervention or a Dowe (as
defined below) and assists other initiators in the realization of their own projects. In principle,
Stichting wedowe cooperates with and participates in the organization of social events of
other parties, but the foundation does not fund projects of those initiators. The activities of
Stichting wedowe are among other things: organizing workshops, giving lectures, compiling
video’s and organizing and/or hosting other events regarding various social purposes and

1.4 In addition, Stichting wedowe involves other parties such as companies, non-governmental
organizations (NGO’s) and education institutes activities by offering events to such parties
on the site. The aim of these events is to create awareness for the activities of Stichting
wedowe and to raise money for the foundation.

1.5 Stichting wedowe has been granted the ANBI status by the Dutch authorities, which means
that it fulfils certain requirements for not-for-profit organizations and subsequently is granted
certain tax benefits.

1.6 If the words “us”, “our”,“we” or “the foundation” are used in these general terms and
conditions, we refer to Stichting wedowe.


2.1 In these General Terms and Conditions the following capitalized terms and expressions
shall, unless the context requires otherwise, have the following meanings:
Corporate client means (inter alia) any company, non-governmental
organization (NGO), education institute or other third party
that enters into an agreement with Stichting Wedowe;
Corporate event means an event organized by Stichting wedowe
commissioned by a Corporate Client, with the aim of
creating awareness for the activities of Stichting wedowe
and to raise money for the foundation;
Content has the meaning given in Clause 7.1;
Donation means a recurring or nonrecurring payment that has been
made by a Supporter to Stichting wedowe to support the
activities of the foundation;
Dowe means a project (such as a social event) that is set up by,
or organized in cooperation with, Stichting wedowe. A
Dowe is a project that aims to encourage individuals to
improve the world around us;
Dower means an initiator or organizer of a Dowe;
General Terms and
means these general terms and conditions that are used
by Stichting wedowe;
Goal means the main focus of the foundation: community
involvement, sustainability, the conservation of arts and
culture and social development;
Intervention means (i.a.) an online or offline workshop, event or video
that is organized by Stichting wedowe, that aims to
encourage individuals to organize Dowe’s and/or to make
positive changes in the world around us. Interventions are
accessible to the public and free from charges;
Stichting wedowe means the foundation registered with the Chamber of
Commerce under number 66288843, registered under the
name Stichting wedowe. Any reference made in these
General Terms and Conditions or on our website to Stichting wedowe shall also be
deemed to be a reference to pluswhat agency as Stichting
wedowe’s tradename and vice versa;
Supporter means a natural or legal person who donates, has
donated or will donate a Donation to Stichting wedowe;

3.1 These general terms and conditions ( General Terms and Conditions ) apply to every use
of the website of Stichting wedowe, to all services provided by Stichting wedowe and to all
agreements entered into with Stichting wedowe or as otherwise indicated by Stichting
wedowe. By visiting our website and/or making a Donation you agree to be bound by our
General Terms and Conditions.
3.2 The applicability of any other terms and conditions is herewith explicitly excluded.
3.3 To the extent that there is any conflict between these General Terms and Conditions and
any terms and conditions provided by Stichting Wedowe in any offer, the terms and
conditions of such offer shall prevail.
4.1 Stichting wedowe is entitled to use a Donation at its own discretion within the scope of the
Goal of the foundation. A Donation is made to Stichting wedowe and not to a specific Dowe,
unless agreed otherwise.
4.2 A Donation made by a Supporter is irrevocable and non-refundable. Recurring Donations
( automatische incasso ) can be cancelled upon request by the Supporter, by contacting us
through our website.
4.3 Digital payments (Donations) are made through our payment service provider PayPal or via
bank transfer.
4.4 The articles 7:175 up to and including 7:188 of the Dutch Civil Code apply to Donations
made to Stichting wedowe.
5.1 If you want Stichting wedowe to assist in the organization of your Dowe, you can sign up
your own Dowe by filling in the form at our website . The purpose of the
project should be non-commercial, should not primarily aim at personal enrichment, at
conversion or at activism (neither politically nor religiously).
5.2 Stichting wedowe decides - at its own discretion - whether the foundation will assist in the
organization of the Dowe and whether the event will be made public as a Dowe on our
website. This decision may be based on previous experiences with the Dower. Stichting
wedowe may at any time reject a project as a Dowe. Stichting wedowe will inform the Dower
within a reasonable time frame and will explain a rejection sufficiently.
5.3 A Dower is responsible for the course of the process of organizing the Dowe. A Dowe
should always be in accordance with the applicable law.
5.4 If the Dower does not fulfill its obligations under these General Terms and Conditions
(anymore), the Dowe will not be made public on our website. If the Dowe had already been
made public on our website, Stichting wedowe has full discretion to remove the Dowe from
our website. In the event Stichting wedowe invokes this clause, the Dower will be informed
by e-mail with an explanation of the decision.
6.1 A Dower is responsible for the organization, realization and completion of its own Dowe.
This, inter alia, means that a Dower is responsible for:
a) financial and other investments for the realization of the Dowe;
b) carrying out, monitoring and evaluating the Dowe;
c) handling and remedying complaints of third parties relating to the Dowe;
d) informing Stichting wedowe of the current development of the Dowe; and
e) the Content and possible mistakes on the website regarding its Dowe.
6.2 After the Dowe has been carried out, the Dower will provide Stichting wedowe with a
summary, pictures and/or movies of the Dowe. The Dower herewith gives approval for the
publication of this information on our website.
7.1 Stichting Wedowe is and will remain the owner of all intellectual property rights, including
copyrights, in and to any Content created by or at the request of Stichting Wedowe relating
to any Dowe, Intervention or other project or event set up by, or organized in cooperation
with, Stichting Wedowe. Content means any material or information, whether online or
offline, including (but not limited to) texts, drawings, designs, software, documents, photos,
videos and audio recordings ("Content"). Unless expressly agreed otherwise between the
parties in writing (i.e. in the offer provided by Stichting Wedowe), Corporate Clients / Dowers
are granted a non-exclusive license under any such Content created by Stichting Wedowe
for their benefit, to use such Content for the duration of their cooperation with Stichting
Wedowe for the purposes specifically determined by Stichting Wedowe. Any other use of
the Content by the Corporate Client / Dower will have to be agreed between the parties in
good faith.
7.2 The Corporate Client / Dower will remain the owner of any intellectual property rights in and
to any Content created by the Corporate Client / Dower which it provides or makes available
to Stichting Wedowe in relation to a Dowe, Intervention or other project or event set up by,
or organized in cooperation with, Stichting Wedowe. By accepting these General Terms and
Conditions, the Corporate Client / Dower agrees to grant and hereby grants to Stichting
Wedowe a non-exclusive, royalty-free, global, perpetual license to use any such Content for
the performance or promotion of Stichting Wedowe's activities, including (but not limited to)
publication and promotion on our website and/or social media channels. Stichting Wedowe
has the right to make amendments to such licensed Content, before or after it has been
made public by Stichting Wedowe.
8.1 We devote our attention to the accuracy and adequacy of the information on our website,
however we cannot prevent inaccuracies or inadequacies to occur.
8.2 The content and execution of the Dowe is the full responsibility of the Dower. The decision
of a Dower to contribute financial and other investments in the Dowe is its own
responsibility. Stichting wedowe is, unless the event of wilful misconduct or gross
negligence, not liable for the organization and/or carrying out of the Dowe. The Dower
indemnifies Stichting wedowe against all damages that occur as a result of the use of our
services, the use of our website, a Dowe and/or acts of the Dower in breach with these
General Terms and Conditions or relating agreement.
8.3 If Stichting wedowe is liable for damages, this liability will be limited to direct damages. This
liability will be limited to a maximum of EUR 1.000,
- per incident.
8.4 Liability for all other damages, such as indirect loss or consequential damages, whether
based on these General Terms and Conditions, a relating agreement or tort, is excluded.
9.1 For the purposes of the activities of Stichting wedowe, we process personal data of our
Corporate Clients, Dowers and participants of Dowe’s. We process all personal data in
accordance with the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act and as of 25 May 2018, the
General Data Protection Regulation. For more information about the processing of personal
data we revert to our Privacy Policy, which can be accessed through this link:
10.1 The relations between Stichting Wedowe and a Dower or a Corporate Client shall be
governed by the laws of the Netherlands. The court in Rotterdam shall be exclusively
competent to hear any dispute between Stichting Wedowe and a Dower or a Corporate